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Welcome to my book page. Here is an overview of my published work. 

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I am excited to announce that my book,


'The Healing Light of Water' is a finalist in the American Writing Awards 2024 in the category of spirituality, Nonfiction narrative.


You can purchase this book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Odilo, Vivlio, Borrow Books, Smash Words, Kobo, Tolino, Apple and



Water and  cosmic ancestors
Ocean of Love, Quantum healing for All

Ocean of Love, Quantum Healing for All

What do we perceive when our body becomes silent, lose consciousness, and linger between life and death?
Can we invoke the experience of becoming one with Source without having a near-death experience?
And what does water have to do with our consciousness?
Patricia Grootjans shares her experience with Source. The quantum healing sessions show how everyone can dive into Source and the ocean of souls.
Together, we form the ocean of love.


Find it on Amazon and


Oceaan van Liefde, Quantum Healing voor Iedereen

Wat nemen we waar, wanneer ons lichaam stil wordt, we buiten bewustzijn raken en zweven tussen leven en dood? Kunnen we de ervaring opwekken van het één worden met de Bron zonder een Bijna-Dood Ervaring te hebben? En wat heeft water met ons bewustzijn te maken? Patricia Grootjans deelt haar ervaringen in contact met de Bron. De Quantum Healing sessies laten zien dat contact met de Bron voor iedereen mogelijk is. Samen vormen wij de Oceaan van Liefde.


Beschikbaar op Amazon, en de reguliere boekwinkel. 

Oceaan van Liefde, Quantum Healing voor Iedereen
The Healing Light of Water

The Healing Light of Water


My new book, ´The Healing Light of Water, encounters with our cosmic ancestors´, is now available as a paperback and Kindle. In this book, the journey that started with ´Ocean of Love, Quantum Healing for All´ continues. 

In "The Healing Light of Water, encounters with our cosmic ancestors," Patricia explores the consciousness of water. Can water show how to use bilocation? Through trance travel, she comes into contact with other dimensions and recounts her encounters with beings from other planets. She receives etheric crystals from the Arcturians and the Galactic Council that she can use in her trance journeys. On her spiritual and physical journey, she receives initiations that reveal how Divine Light is present in each of us, just as water is present in every living being. As the quest puts her in touch with our cosmic ancestors, we see that the cycle of dying and being born comes very close in Patricia's personal life. The Galactic Council, the Arcturians and Yeshua. all have the same message and ask her to share it; "Go tell that we are one cosmic family. The light of the world shines throughout the cosmos and not just on Earth.' We see Patricia slowly finding her mission in being a messenger for cosmic water, a messenger for the Healing Light of Water.

Het Helende Licht van Water



Met trots kan ik vertellen dat mijn nieuwe boek ´Het Helende Licht van Water, ontmoetingen met onze kosmische voorouders´ is gepubliceerd. In dit boek wordt de reis vervolgd, welke begon tijdens ´Oceaan van Liefde, Quantum Healing voor iedereen´. 

In 'Het Helende Licht van Water, ontmoetingen met onze kosmische voorouders' gaat Patricia op zoek naar het bewustzijn van water. Kan water laten zien hoe men bilocatie kan gebruiken? Door middel van trancereizen komt zij in contact met andere dimensies en vertelt zij over haar ontmoetingen met wezens van andere planeten. Ze ontvangt van de Arcturianen en de Galactische Raad etherische kristallen die zij in haar trancereizen kan gebruiken. Op haar spirituele en fysieke reis ontvangt ze inwijdingen die duidelijk maken hoe het Goddelijke Licht in ieder van ons aanwezig is, net zoals water ook in ieder levend wezen aanwezig is. Terwijl de zoektocht haar in contact brengt met onze kosmische voorouders, zien we dat de cyclus van sterven en geboren worden heel dichtbij komt in het persoonlijke leven van Patricia. De Galactische Raad, de Arcturianen en Yeshua. hebben allen de zelfde boodschap en vragen haar deze te delen; ‘Ga vertellen dat we één kosmische familie zijn. Het licht van de wereld straalt door heel de kosmos en niet alleen op aarde.’ We zien dat Patricia langzaam aan haar missie vindt in een boodschapper zijn voor kosmisch water, een boodschapper voor het Helende Licht van Water.


De Paperback is verkrijgbaar op Amazon.

De Kindle versie is verkrijgbaar op Amazon.

Via books2read is de E-book versie via diverse kanalen verkrijgbaar.


Het Helende Licht van Water
Astrology, reading the Birth Chart

Astrology, Reading the Birth- Chart

This book is a course in the oldest language there probably is: the language of the Stars, written in the sky. In this course, you will learn how to read this language and gain an understanding of cosmic patterns and how these patterns are reflected on Earth and in our personal lives. This book will offer a basic understanding of astrology and teach you how to facilitate an astrological reading. Many playful exercises are included, from making vision boards to dowsing and storytelling.


Available on Amazon.

Lighthouse, Guide and Journal

June 2021:

15 years ago, I was going through a spiritual crisis. This is sometimes referred to as ´the dark night of the Soul´. This phase is usually the threshold to spiritual awakening on a deeper level. It is often related to a kundalini awakening. It took me a while to see that it was a major chance for transformation and a chance to improve my life. I have been lucky to have had loved ones standing by, even though they may not understand the process. During the last 15 years, I have seen many others going through similar experiences. All we need to do is be there for someone and tell them we care. It inspired me to create a journal for those who are going through a crisis. A lighthouse to help find peace and calm during a spiritual or emotional storm. If you know anyone going through a crisis, this may be a gift to help them find a way out.

Available on Amazon. Lighthouse, Guide and Journal.

Lighthouse, Guide and Journal, find peace and calm during a crisis
Ozean der Liebe

Ozean der Liebe

Was nehmen wir wahr, wenn unser Körper verstummt, wir das Bewusstsein verlieren und zwischen Leben und Tod verweilen?
Können wir die Erfahrung machen, mit der Quelle eins zu werden, ohne eine Nahtoderfahrung zu haben?
Und was hat Wasser mit unserem Bewusstsein zu tun?
Patricia Grootjans erzählt von ihrer Erfahrung mit der Quelle. Die von ihr geleiteten Quantenheilungssitzungen zeigen, wie jeder in die Quelle und der Ozean der Seelen intauchen kann.


Available on Amazon.

Starseeds Messages Pocket Guide

This book describes the cards within the Starseeds Messages Oracle Card Deck. The card deck is not included. With 101 pages in full colour, this is a wonderful booklet to accompany the card deck. When you buy the digital card deck on, this booklet is a great way to have a printed visual of the cards. This pocket guide is available on Amazon as a paperback and on Kindle.

Maybe, needless to say, but as a gentle reminder, this book contains pictures of the cards and not the box with the card deck itself. The card deck is available as a digital card deck on and a printed card deck on

Starseeds Messages can be ordered as an App version on Deckible


De Nederlandse kaart deck

Boodschappen uit de Kosmos

is nu als app verkrijgbaar op Deckible:


Available on Amazon.

Starseeds Messages

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.


Planner 2025

The new Planner 2025 is a full colour vintage style planner with quotes from my book ´Ocean of Love, Quantum healing for All.´  A beautiful planner for yourself or the perfect gift. 

Available on Amazon.


Planner 2025

The new Moon and Astrology Planner 2025 is a planner with astrological data for the Lunar Phases, Retrograde data and eclipses.  A beautiful planner for the astrology lover.

Available on Amazon.

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